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Attaching Exterior Wall Cladding Through Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing (FPIS) to Wood or Steel Framing
Exterior Wall Cladding
First, states adopt the International Energy Conservation Code to improve energy efficiency in the nation’s building stock. Then, improved energy efficient construction brings changes to construction practices. This includes the exterior wall cladding covering the insulation.
Most important, higher efficiency means increased use of continuous insulation. So, more exterior rigid foam wall sheathing. Sheathing has thicknesses up to 4″ inches to be an effective insulator. Insulation enables us to meet or exceed modem energy code requirements. Therefore, the focus here is helping meet LEED, Energy Star (EPA), and the ICC 700 National Green Building Standards.
Attaching exterior wall cladding over foam sheathing.
How to Install Foam Sheathing
Thus, the attachment of wall covering assemblies (i.e., cladding, furring, etc.) is important. One, the
connections must support the weight of the cladding. Two, they must secure the cladding to the wall to resist wind and even seismic forces. So, the question is, “How does one design the attachments for cladding materials through foam sheathing?”
Hence, this Tech Matters resource PDF gives a step-by-step approach for the design thought process.
This report/resource courtesy of Applied Building Tech.
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